Silver Rose is an environmentally responsible company. We do not use PVC packaging. We use recycled cardboard and paper in our folders and other paper products. We recover silver from our processes and dispose of any waste by approved environmental methods.
A fast growing part of our business is the production of booklets, folders and calendars on our new Konica 8000C digital press.
The Konica Minolta Environmental Mark “This mark represents our stance to promote initiatives and reduce environmental impact through every stage of our business activities. The three arches symbolize Green Products, Green Factories and Green Marketing – the core of our environmental activities. The arches rest on a green leaf – which represents the environment – forming a round Earth conveying that Konica Minolta is striving to fulfill its role on the planet as a bridge to a more sustainable society.”
Konica is fully commited to the Planet Ark cartridge recycling program.